KLLH&MS Publications
Transport in King Langley - Packhorse to Pendolino
Alan Penwarden
£4 (60p p&p)
This splendid new 50 page illustrated publication describes the road through the village, the use of the River Gade and its development as a canal and the railway, along with the vehicles, boats and trains using these routes.
Copies of the new booklet are available from the usual History Society outlets, including The Langley Butcher, or by contacting us. Price £4.00. (80p p&p)

Who Was Who in Kings Langley Parish Church
Alan Penwarden
£4 (80p p&p)
Kings Langley On Film (please see right side panel for details)
£5.00 (£2.00 p&p)
Newsletter published annually — current issue free to members.
Kings Langley — A Hertfordshire Village
Scott Hastie and David Spain - a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated work - £25.00 (+£6.00 P&P)
Life and Death in Kings Langley
Ed. Lionel M Munby - a scholarly edition of village wills 1498-1659 - just £2.00 (+£3 P&P)
Where there's a Will there's a Story
Ed. Lionel M Munby- a sequel to the above - wills from 1660-1800 - £12.50 (+£3 P&P)
A Short History of the Manor of Shendish
Alan Penwarden- an A4 booklet describing the manor from pre-history to the present day - £4.00 (+£1 P&P)
A History of the Shops in Kings Langley High Street
Alan Penwarden- detailing shops and business premises in the High Street for the last 200 years OUT OF PRINT
A History of the farms in Kings Langley
Jill and
Alan Penwarden - an illustrated description of local farmers, buildings and produce. - £2.50 (+60p P&P)
A History of local Brewers and Pubs in Kings Langley
Jill Penwarden- another splendid illustrated A5 size booklet.- £2.50 (+60p P&P)
Palace, Priory & Mills — A brief history of the village - £1.00 (+60p P&P)
Does the Lark Still Sing? - My Life in Kings Langley
Allan Norman Butler - £2.50 (+80p P&P)
The Friar Preachers
Mary Tisdall (Out of Print)
Kings Langley Map a superbly drawn and illustrated map in full colour showing the village's many footpaths - £2.00. Available locally
Postcards of Old Kings Langley - a selection of views is available -30p each or 5 for £1.
P&P 50p for 1 to 5, £1 for 6 to 10, £1.50 for 11 to 15.
A Walk Around Kings Langley Available locally
Heritage Trail -three short walks around the Village £2.00 (+80p P&P)
The Evolution of Kings Langley Dr James Fisher - £2.00 (+ 60p P & P)
Tithe Map 1839 £1.50 Available locally
Also available from the Society
Home Park Paper Mill at Kings Langley
Alan Penwarden - £3 (+60p P&P)
Published by Apsley Paper Trail and available from Kings Langley Local History & Museum Society outlets.
A Chilhood Remembered Keith Johnson DVD - £5 (+£2.00 P & P)
For further details please contact us.
Some of these publications are available locally from the Langley Butcher.
Other Kings Langley major publications
The Parish of Kings Langley Rev. J P Haythornthwaite (1924 Out of print)
The History of Kings Langley Ed. L Munby (1963 Out of print)
A Walk Along the Canal Towpath from Kings Langley to Winkwell
Mary Nobbs
Paper Pioneers
Joan and Roger Hands
Independent Publications
ZION CHURCH Years of Faithful Witness This was a limited printed publication which is now available on the Zion Church website. History of Zion Church
(Prevous history of Church- Zion's Testimony now out of print)
Rucklers Lane £14.99 June Wiggins
The Parish Church of All Saints The Tomb of of Edmund de Langley and Isobel of Castile
Available from All Saints Parish Church
Kings Langley Parish Church Monumental Inscriptions
MI Series No 57 Herts Family & Population History Society
Notes on Old Chipperfield
H. G. Liddle 1948 (out of print)
The Carters of Kings Langley The Presidents Roots
Robert Humphrey
1978 (out of print)
The Endless Web John Dickinson & Co. Ltd 1804 - 1954
Joan Evans (out of print but copies still available from
The Paper Trail Apsley)
Always a Good Show 75 years of amateur theatre with the Kings Langley Players
Compiled by Alan Penwarden Edited by Tim Turner Pub. 2000
£15 Copies available from
Kings Langley Players
A Taste of Ovaltine The Official Story
Alice Spain 2002
Memories of Kings Langley from an 'Old Timer'
Keith Johnson 2010
Without Hesitation The Story of Christopher Cox Kings Langley's own V.C.
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