Kings Langley
Kings Langley
Local History & Museum Society
Kings Langley

Wecome to our website

As an introduction to the history of the village the aim of this website is to provide short articles, samples from our extensive picture library, details of our publications and links for further research.

The extended list of topics containing much new material, pictures and audio clips is to to found in the History section.

All pictures, unless otherwise stated, are from the archives of the Kings Langley Local History and Museum Society (KLLH&MS).

Please contact us with any queries, and especially, let us know if you can supply any further information.


Kings Langley - Our Heritage

Kings Langley, a village in Hertfordshire, lays claim to an extraordinary history. From its origins prior to Roman settlement and thriving Domesday community, through its Royal Palace in the 14th Century to a wealth of transport connections, farming and industry, the village can recount tales matched by few other places in the U.K.

Kings Langely

This print from about 1840, shows the All Saints Church in Church Lane.
Traditional life in the village was then starting to undergo many changes. In contrast to the herdsman, a steam engine and carriages are just visible behind the four trees beyond the village school whose construction was at about the same time as the arrival of the railway.



Latest News and additions

March 2025



Next talk

History of Watford Football Club


Kings Langley Services Club

Thursday 10th Aprll

7.30 for 8.00 pm.












